Friday, August 24, 2012

SEO Tips for Promoting your Business Websites Online

1). Choosing Targeted Keywords:

The most important aspect of using business targeted keywords for your website is to begin a process of searching keywords with proper analysis and research. Be sure to take advantage of any types of free tools or services, which may be at your disposal. A good example of this would be the Google Adwords tool. You might also want to consider using a portion of your advertising budget to pay for some more comprehensive programs.
It is also very essential to note that keyword density, as this considered to be outdated these days. It is crucial that you do your best to include keywords naturally within the text of your website while ensuring that you are not doing this to excess.

2). Create an Outstanding URL:

There are quite a few things that you must do in order to create an outstanding URL. From the start, you need to choose a domain name that is relatively short which also includes your most valuable keyword phrase. Hyphens are allowed and acceptable, but you should refrain from adding any more than two.
When it comes to individual page naming, be sure to include a highly relevant keyword. Do your very best not to use any session IDs or other dynamic and database variable URLs.

3). Utilize Long-tail Keywords:

Long-tail keywords offer the highest impact on search engine rankings. These typically consist of a minimum of three words. If you’re able to come up with some that are intrinsically related to your specific industry, it will knock the competition right out! In addition, any traffic that is driven to your site as a result will be much more relevant which means a better end result.

4). Utilize Latent Semantic Indexing: 

Latent semantic indexing, commonly referred to as LSI, is the process in which you include related phrasing and keywords with your main phrases in an effort to elevate your site’s ranking within the various search engines. For example, if your site sells shoes, you would include other related words such as heels, pumps, sandals and boots. This would, in turn, help to elevate your rankings within the search engines. This would also ensure that your site does not come across as any type of spam since you wouldn’t be using the same old keywords again and again.

5). Make Your Internal Links Count:

Most websites often forget to use their internal links properly and that puts them at a disadvantage from the very beginning. It’s an extremely simple way to ensure that each and every one of your pages score a better targeted ranking within the entire various search engines. Ensure that you include every page most targeted keyword or phrase within internal links, which are pointing to those pages. Additionally, make sure to always reference any of your other pages with links within your website’s content as appropriate.

6). Invest in PPC:

A PPC campaign is the absolute fastest way to see immediate results from your advertising dollars. Begin your campaign using all of the keyword research that you’ve done previously. Start with a small PPC costs can skyrocket if you are not familiar with how it works. Play around with different style ads. Use varying strategies and keywords until you see some definitive results. Only then should you begin running bigger campaigns.

7). Optimize any Images Used:

It’s crucial that you use an ALT tag for all of your images that describes in detail what the actual image consists of. Use targeted keywords and phrases for maximum impact. This will ensure that those who are not able to see images will still have an understanding of what is in that location. This also ensures that you can be found within image-based searches. In addition, do your best to name your images using a keyword within the actual file name.

8). Optimize the Title Tag:
Do not fool yourself. You should not just put anything in your title tag and expect it to be sufficient. If you think that, you can’t possibly be any further from the actual truth. The page title offers an outstanding opportunity to increase your ranking while also attracting people to your site.
Your title tag should be no more than 70 characters long. Keep it short, simple and to the point. Additionally, make sure that every single page must have its own specific title. Do your best to include your targeted keywords into the title and try to be extremely descriptive.

9). META Tag Insight:

Be aware that the META keywords tag is not reflecting on by Google for ranking anymore, although some of the other engines might still be using it. Most important are the META description tags and title. Make sure to limit your title to 70 characters or less and ensure that your META description is 160 characters or less. If you go over that, the various search engines will simply cut it off. Always remember to utilize your targeted keywords in your META tags.

10). Do NOT do – Building Links:
For the most part, many people do all of the wrong things when it comes to building links for their site. Please, do NOT buy links or use a “link farm.” Those are two of the worst things you could possibly do. Do your best to avoid any low quality directories that could be construed as “spam.” Blog commenting, link exchanging and posting on various forums are not as valuable as they once used to be. Additionally, it looks extremely unnatural if you were to suddenly have thousands of links within the span of a few short days. Remember, its quality versus quantity.

11). What to Do – Building Links: 

The best thing to do is to submit your links to respected directories such as Best of the Web and DMOZ. Try to focus on creating links to others within your own industry or niche. This will definitely improve your reputation within the community. Do your best to use unique content that can serve as bait for your website. These days, social networks can be highly beneficial.

12). Don’t Ignore Canonicalization:

It’s imperative that you ensure that your pages are not being counted more than one time. This will confuse all of the search engines and possibly impact your tracking statistics. Make sure to use 310 redirects to transport pages to one homepage and fix all issues with the rest of your pages as well.

13). HTML is Best:
Other program languages such as JavaScript aren’t searchable in search engines and so they are of no benefit to you. Make sure that you use only HTML so that you are automatically increasing your page rank. Don’t ever over complicate your site by using lots of frames, forms or code types that are unsearchable.

14). Choose Right SEO Professionals:

If you want to promote your website online, choose experienced SEO professionals/company having good experience of optimizing websites. Think about your budget, try to invest less and continue this. Because SEO is a long term process and should not be stopped. You just monitor the works and give the professionals your feedbacks. For starting SEO for your website at a minimum budget contact SEO Company India.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Updating Low Quality Pages Improves SEO Effort of your Website

There are many websites that have recently lost Google traffic, the main cause is lots of low-quality content pages. This sort of low-quality content was probably created by some scammy SEOs in an attempt to boost search engine rankings. This was low-quality content that was naturally created with no thought of the search engines.

Impact of Low Quality Content:
Before the Google’s Panda filters, most likely, nothing. But when Google did the Panda update, some pages on some websites that were previously ignored, started to cause rankings and traffic problems for the overall website.

Contains of Low-Quality content pages:
In most cases, the low-quality content pages simply doesn’t contain much information at all. They may only have a few words or sentences outside of the global template of the page. Or they may contain information, but it’s very similar to what’s on other pages of the website. Most of the time these low-quality pages been dynamically generated by whatever content management system (CMS) the site is using. This is especially true of blog sites using WordPress or other blog software, as well as forum sites.
Let’s look at some specific types of low-quality content:

  1). Profile Pages:

Empty – Many forums, blogs or other community sites encourage people to become members. In order to do so, they have to provide information that is used to create a profile page of that person. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these, but some of them may be created with nothing more than a user name and a bunch of empty fields. So you can end up with hundreds, if not thousands, of nearly empty pages.

Profiles have also been a target for spammers because some of them allow you to add links. Even those that don’t specifically allow links can sometimes be hacked to include a link by a smarter-than-average web spammer.

Recommended Fix:
There are a few ways to deal with this. You could make profile pages invisible to anyone (including search engines) who isn’t registered and logged in. Or you could add the no index Meta tag to all profile pages. If you prefer to have your profile pages indexed, you might try to require more information than just a name so that there is a less chance of the profile seeming empty. And if you allow links, be sure they are automatically tagged with the no-follow attribute. You may also keep all profiles invisible until they go through a manual human review.

2).Empty Directory or Search Results Pages:
Websites that have a directory of sorts will often have a number of different categories. This is a great idea when there are enough items, people, or places that deserve to have their own category. But sometimes a website will get too granular in its categories and only have one (or sometimes zero) results contained within them. It’s easy to see how this creates a poor user experience, and thus a low-quality content page.

3).Tag Pages:
While adding tags to classify blog posts can make for a helpful way to browse a blog, creating an unlimited number of tags and tagging every post with a bunch of them creates tons of low-quality content tag pages. If a tag is so specific that only one post is tagged with it, the tag page itself will list only that one post. And if that post is tagged with other unique tags, a whole bunch of very similar stand-alone tag pages will be created that all just link to this one post, which means they’ve defeated the purpose of tagging as a means of categorizing posts.

Recommended Fix: Don’t use tags to stuff keywords on your pages. Instead, use them for their intended purpose by creating a limited number of them that correspond to their own unique category. This will provide an alternate way of browsing your blog, as well as more opportunities for Google to find and spider your pages.

If it’s too late to start over with your tags and you’ve already got a crazy array of meaningless tags, then add the rel=nofollow to the tag links themselves, and add the “noindex, follow” Meta tag to the resulting tag pages themselves. This way you won’t have all those duplicate pages indexed, but the search engines can still follow the links contained within them.

4). Posts That Simply Link to Something Else:
You see something interesting on another site that you want to tell your readers about, so you dash off a quick blog post that says, “Here’s an interesting article about whatever” and provide a link. Even worse is if you link to these “empty posts” from elsewhere on your site in the guise of providing actual information if they click the link. This only annoys your readers because they have to click yet again to get to what they really want to see.

Recommended Fix: A better place for quick recommendations would be to post it on your social media channels and/or link directly to the real content from elsewhere in your site where it makes sense to do so.

As you can see, whether or not you intended to have low-quality content pages on your website, you may have some anyway. Whether we agree with the way Google is handling this sort of content or not, the fact is, many sites have been negatively affected by it. Therefore you’d be smart to recheck your own site every so often for low-quality content and go through each of the recommended fixes to remove it ASAP.